Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Dream Realized...Almost

Yeah, it's been a while. I know. Life has been amazingly busy! And now we are into April with rehearsals starting in less than a month. As we get closer and closer to the rehearsal dates, we move closer and closer to showtime. That scares the crap out of me. There is still so much to do. And with a job, extracurricular, and trying to lead some kind of social life here and there, the hours in the day run out quickly. I won't spout off my laundry list, but trust, there is still much to do.

I'm grateful for the people that God has placed around me to help put this production on. I am truly blessed to be given what I have when, in all other circumstances, this would be an impossibility. This is just the beginning. And I think that's what makes this production so nerve-wrecking for me. It's the realization of a dream. How many people can actually say that they are seeing what they desire and dream come into fruition? What started off as an idea in my head to discussing it with three friends at Silver Diner is materializing. I just don't want to screw any of it up. My work, my dreams, my hopes, on display for everyone to see and criticize. At the end of the day I know that my only goal is to please Him, but you still want people to like it, right?

What is the biggest motivation for me is seeing my friends around me who are pushing towards their dreams as well. It says to me, if they can do it Tramaine, so can you. And I know I can. If I fall and mess up, get up, learn from it, and keep moving. At the end of the day, I can't imagine doing anything else with me life. I love it!

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