Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Attention Deficit Disorder

I have so many goals for my life and this company is just one of them. I also joke with my friends and family and tell them that I have ADD with my life goals. But, I'm okay with that. I figure, if I have the time and resources to do it, then why not?

I recently had a meeting with an individual about another goal that I would like to accomplish. I'm keeping the details on the hush for now (until I know for sure), but I am excruciatingly excited about it. Others may not see how this goal connects with everything that I want to do, but I see the pattern. There's a method to my madness. In all of this I am completely grateful for certain individuals in my life that encourage my goals and keep me focused. That came with time and wisdom. Learning how to nurture some friendships, let others go, and let certain ones go through the motions. But to those individuals, you know exactly who you are, thank you.

Back to the subject at hand: it's amazing when things finally start to fall into place and you see how all the scattered pieces are finally beginning to fit. I was talking to a friend last night and he reminded me of a motto that I deemed for myself in undergrad.

"Delayed...Right on Time."

For the longest time I couldn't see how all of the pieces fit or find the missing pieces at that. Hence why I thought I had ADD with my life! But, just because it doesn't makes sense immediately, happen immediately, it happens right when it is supposed to. And that makes it even better.

So bring on all the random pieces, eventually, I'll find the right spot.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I know exactly what you mean cuz I have ADD when it comes to my goals too. I'm starting to let myself acknowledge and explore my different interest areas instead of ignoring them. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you...
