Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's Not About You

Yesterday I went to one of Zion's small groups. At the end of the lesson we began to speak about how sometimes you are placed in certain situations that you cannot understand. For the life of you, you cannot figure it out. In the meantime, you are frustrated, annoyed, angry, shut off, etc. with God and whoever else is up in the place. You cannot see why you are there and why things won't change for the better.

I fell victim to this and had to come up out of it, QUICK!

I couldn't understand my current circumstances and got real bitter for it. But then someone said, it's because you aren't there for you. Ahhhh! Not rocket science. Everything that I was angry for before was all selfish. I'm upset. I'm unhappy. I'm frustrated. I'm annoyed. I'm ready to move on. But I was so stuck on me that I almost missed the opportunities that were surrounding me. Whether or not it was to help someone else, be an example, create a connection, whatever.

At my current job I met this woman and I know it was God-appointed. She is willing to help me with this whole production thing; give me free marketing, help me advertise, the whole nine. All because she wants to help and believes in what I am trying to do. And to think, if I remained selfish, was unwilling to let my circumstance be, put my hand all up in it, I most likely would have missed this awesome opportunity.

So my encouragement for all of you that don't understand why you are where you are: you probably aren't there for you. Allow yourself to be used and be open to whatever may come along. You don't know how it is going to help you out in the end. It's not about you.

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